Post-Treatment Care
- Avoid any irritants to your skin such as any products containing retin-a, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycol/salicylic acids, or astringents after treatment.
- Do not use self-tanning agents for at least 2 weeks after your final treatment.
- To avoid the opening of the treated veins & significant bruising do not take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory products (Anacin, Bufferin, Advil, or Nuprin) or Omega 3, 6 or 9 (Fish oil supplements) for 1 week after treatment. Tylenol may be used.
- To decrease any discomfort after laser spider vein removal treatment, support hose or an ace bandage MAY be helpful. It may also help in reducing the amount of bruising.
- Post leg vein removal bruising will be minimized by applying Vitamin K or Arnica gel.
- Elevate legs whenever possible for the next 7 days. No high heels or exercise for 72 hours.
- To decrease swelling, ice can be applied, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Swelling will resolve by itself in a few hours.
Additional spider vein treatments may be necessary. Make an appointment for evaluation in 8 weeks.