Save this season with Sign & Go on all Growing Young & Body Contouring Memberships - Pay nothing until 4/15/25! Offer expires 3/31/25.
One time Start Up Fee $299
Annual Fee $99
Every month receive:
1 Cellulite Treatment
Introductory Rate
Sign up fee $107*
Annual Fee $107
4 Weight Loss Shots
+$20/m and add 4 B-12 Injections
+49/m and add 1 Emsculpt or 1 Vanquish
Sign up for 2 or more Body Contouring memberships and get Free power skinny injection monthly! pay nothing until April 15th! Offer Ends 3/31/25.
Couture Med Spa believes in the art of restoring your youthful, natural state. We enable you to maintain a younger, healthier, more vibrant you and do that at a price not normally seen in luxury med spas! Couture Med Spa… where luxury meets affordability.
* 1 Energy Shot (B Complex) per month included with Empower membership