6 Tips For Rapid Fat Loss

Weight Loss
7 min read
September 11, 2023
June 5, 2020

Looking to jumpstart rapid fat loss? Read here how you can transform your body with our body sculpting treatments today.

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By Tiffany M. Darnold, MMS, PA-C, Couture Med Spa Oviedo

1. Dear Fat, Prepare to Die. Love, Trusculpt

  • After having my two beautiful daughters, I thought it was impossible to improve my post-baby mommy belly! Even though I tried to eat healthily and do crazy workouts (like HIIT and various boot camps), I just couldn't find the time every week with the demanding needs of my children and husband – aka my big kid. Once I finally got my husband to agree to watch the girls during my workouts, I still had tummy fat that would not go away. As soon as I found the best-kept secret, I finally began to see results!
  • The easiest way to eliminate your excess stubborn fat and lose those inches is to do a few quick sessions of Trusculpt. Each session takes just under an hour, making it a convenient, noninvasive option for fat loss. Most clients report seeing results after the second treatment! We suggest 2-3 treatments about 4-6 weeks apart for your ideal results, depending on how much fat is present. Trusculpt works by safely using radiofrequency and heat to lyse the cell, therefore permanently destroying the fat cell. The best part is that it continues to work for up to 12 weeks!
A person stepping onto a scale.
  • An added benefit is that it can help retighten the skin—bringing your belly to its former glory. This also prevents any unwanted sagging skin that is usually left behind with other procedures such as Liposuction or CoolSculpting. Why go under the knife when there is now newer, more effective technology available?! Get your pre-baby bod back just in time for Summer!

My heart says chocolate and wine, but my jeans say, for the love of God woman, just Trusculpt it!

2. Kybella isn't just for chins!

  • Here's a fun fact about me: I can be impatient, especially when it comes to fat loss! That is why I love Kybella so much: it offers fast results with virtually no downtime.
  • Have you ever heard of Kybella to improve your double chin? Well, Kybella can also help treat other areas of stubborn fat on your body (ask us about Bellybella, Brabella, or Thighbella!)
A person pinching the fat on the side of their body.
  • Kybella permanently destroys fat cells, allowing your body's natural metabolism to process the waste. This process clears the fat from the treatment area and helps tighten the surrounding skin. The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps break down fat.
  • I recommend starting with two treatment sessions about six weeks apart and then reevaluate if more are needed. Most clients only need two sessions to get desired results with a few days of downtime due to swelling. Call to set up your FREE consultation today with me at Couture Med Spa in Oviedo!

Watch out world… New Body Under Construction!

3. Skinny Energy Shot

  • Let's face it—after a long day at work, having the energy to be 'Super Mom' when you get home can be tough. If your house is like mine, kids are climbing all over you the moment you walk through the door. At a certain point, coffee does not cut it anymore. I'm here to tell you there's a better way! After routinely getting Skinny Energy Shot injections, I finally wake up not feeling groggy and have the energy to get through my day. Couture's Skinny Energy Shot consists of B12 and other B vitamins essential to help boost your metabolism and give you more energy to help you lose weight. That is a win-win for me…one point for mommy!

Fall in love with taking care of yourself!

4. Exercise

  • Doing Trusculpt does not mean you should forget about exercise all together. Exercising is healthy for the mind, body, and soul. It also helps your body eliminate the free-floating fat after Trusculpt has lysed the fat cells. When it comes to physical activity, consistency is so important. That's why I recommend finding an activity that you can bring yourself to do at the end of a long day. My favorite exercise routine consists of cardio from rollerblading, full-body strengthening with various kettlebell exercises, and a good pre/post workout yoga session. Rollerblading is something I enjoy and look forward to; it also happens to be a great way to stay in shape! Find the activity you love doing, make it part of your self-care routine, and exercise will never feel like a chore!
A fitness group high-fiving each other
  • Tiffany's Tip: Use your children for added weight to help tone your muscles while working out.

Remember, sweat is your fat crying!

5. Eating Healthy

  • Just because you now look amazing doesn't mean you can eat junk! Treat yourself to a healthy lifestyle and feel great for life. Instead of eliminating certain things because of the latest fad diet, eat in moderation. Being mindful about the food you eat doesn't mean you should shock your body by drastically changing your diet. In my experience, that approach isn't sustainable and can end up doing long-term damage to your body and mindset around eating. Above all, listen to your body. There's no such thing as a one size fits all approach to dieting. If you feel sluggish or tired after eating, then reevaluate what/how you ate.
A display of healthy food including avocado and almonds

Love your body with mindful eating habits.

6. Water

  • Did you know that our body is made up of about 60% water? I recommend drinking 8-10 glasses a water per day to help flush out free-floating fat after the fat cells have been lysed from your body after your Trusculpt treatment. This way, you can help to eliminate more fat faster! For every 8oz of caffeinated beverage you consume, remember to drink two glasses of water (instead of 1) to replace the water you lose. Caffeine is a diuretic, so it's important to rehydrate after your daily coffee break!

The best project you will ever work on is you. Do it for the after selfie!

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